Baby Ian

Friday, June 16, 2006

To be a math whiz kid?!

An attractive young aunt visited me yesterday in the afternoon while I was still asleep. She received a scholarship from Ministry of Education (MOE) to do a math degree and involved actively in church activities. I overheard that she promised to teach me math when I turn 10. By then, she should be in her early thirties and experienced enough to show me the rope in counting and numbering. With her tutoring, I’m going to be a math whiz kid! :)

Mum’s parents, brother and sister visited us today. This time, grandpa bought a cradle swing for me. Dad, mum and grandma must be very tired after going through a few sleepless nights for cradling me. So, they are hoping that this machine could solve their sleepless woes. And, I shall give this cradle a try tonight and see if it can satisfy me. Meanwhile, grandma (maternal) removed that irritating dried mucus in my nose. Therefore, at least, I should able to breathe better tonight.


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