Baby Ian

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The second week milestone

I have been passing motion so frequently that dad brought home a big bag of diaper liners this evening. Mum also complained that my feeding frequency and volume increased by almost 50%. I would say these are the results of total breast-feeding because babies can digest human milk better and thus feel hungrier sooner. Also, more inputs mean more outputs – such a basic logic that even babies can understand better than adults. :p

Unlike those big kids, babies’ stomachs are smaller and can’t retain our foods as long. I have already tried my best to be a good boy by waking up less often during night time. Nowadays, in fact, I only wake up once some time around 3-5a.m. Meanwhile, I want to be cuddled to sleep – it feels so secure and safe to sleep in their arms. Whenever I need the hugs, all I need to do is to shout at once. If I don’t get any respond immediately, I’ll shout louder until I start crying – this tactic always works. :x

Later in the evening, dad took measure of my body length and realized that I have grown by another 4 cm since birth. I can also feel more powers within my body – I can now turn my body 90 degree on either side without any aids! Not an easy feat for a 2 week-old baby, don’t you think so?


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