Baby Ian

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hello World!

Hello everyone! I am Ian Yee Yit Ern born on 23 May 2006. I was delivered by Dr. Adrian Woodworth in Thomson Medical Centre (TMC).

I am so happy to be in this world after cramping in mum's womb for 38 weeks. Daddy, mum and "Ah ma" (grandma) are all working hard to make sure that I'm well-fed and growing well. And most importantly, my invisible God who is protecting me since I was conceived in mummy's womb.

This was how I look like when I just came out from mummy's womb. And I didn't like this look, so I asked God for a prettier face.

Yawn.... Daddy was cuddling me to sleep in the hospital and I look forward to my new home and family!


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