Baby Ian

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Keeping company

Auntie Ann finally arrived late in last evening while I was asleep. When I woke up later, she played with me until I fell asleep again. As I know that she would surely read this blog, I want her to know that I have really enjoyed her companion. Meanwhile, grandma has also gone through a great deal taking care of me and mum. I can’t imagine life without her. Besides mum and dad, both grandma and auntie know me best. :)

Mum seems to be happier today, as the other grandma, grandpa and uncle visited us again. Uncle recently graduated from university and I’m sure both of my grandparents are proud of his academic achievements. However, Auntie Ann left just shortly before they came. This time, uncle also brought us his small refrigerator from his university residence hall for storing some of mum’s milk. But they also left shortly. I really wished that all of them could have stayed longer to keep company with me and mum. And I look forward to their coming soon.


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