Baby Ian

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Full Month Special

It was my full month celebration yesterday. Many grand-uncles, grand-aunties, uncles and aunties all came to this big event. Despite the hot and humid weather, everyone was enjoying the food and the beers. Cousin Joel was certainly amusing himself with many colorful balloons around. Yes, there was a big blue cake engraved with the wordings “My Little Boy – Ian Yee”. Check out my full month special album at

Great grand-pa adored me with a lovely golden anklet. I saw him the first time yesterday. He came all the way from Telok Blangah to celebrate this big event. It was his second trip to Punggol in his lifetime. The last time he visited Punggol was more than 50 years back when this was still a small fishing kampong serving great seafood! At age 92, he is still going strong and healthy. I heard that he was a great and hardworking man in his youth. I admired him and wished that he could see my children in future. :)

I overheard mum & dad said that they had wished to invite all friends and colleagues earlier. Due to certain constraints, they could not invite everyone. Hereby, I would like to apologize on their behalf. I heard they are planning some “make-up” sessions subsequently. Won’t the smaller groups be more inclusive and intimate? :)


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