Baby Ian

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Voice Recording

Ever wonder how I sound like? Is it sweet or bitter? Guess no more, dad recorded my different types of crying.

I wonder why can't he find something better to do.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Life's good

I'm not a Korean fan but life's really good. Grandma always attends to my needs – be it feeding, playing, passing motion, or watching Cable TV together. :) Recently, I get to see dad less often and I heard that he have received more responsibilities at work.

And yes, mum brought me back to her mum’s place for the first time on Tuesday. Dad didn’t come along because he was down with flu. Both grandma and grandpa chuckled whenever they saw my face. I guess I must be adorable enough to amuse everyone. Cousin Joel seemed to be a little jealous this time when I received all the attentions. Poor thing, he might have felt a little neglected. But I’m not an attention seeker.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Full Month Special

It was my full month celebration yesterday. Many grand-uncles, grand-aunties, uncles and aunties all came to this big event. Despite the hot and humid weather, everyone was enjoying the food and the beers. Cousin Joel was certainly amusing himself with many colorful balloons around. Yes, there was a big blue cake engraved with the wordings “My Little Boy – Ian Yee”. Check out my full month special album at

Great grand-pa adored me with a lovely golden anklet. I saw him the first time yesterday. He came all the way from Telok Blangah to celebrate this big event. It was his second trip to Punggol in his lifetime. The last time he visited Punggol was more than 50 years back when this was still a small fishing kampong serving great seafood! At age 92, he is still going strong and healthy. I heard that he was a great and hardworking man in his youth. I admired him and wished that he could see my children in future. :)

I overheard mum & dad said that they had wished to invite all friends and colleagues earlier. Due to certain constraints, they could not invite everyone. Hereby, I would like to apologize on their behalf. I heard they are planning some “make-up” sessions subsequently. Won’t the smaller groups be more inclusive and intimate? :)

Friday, June 16, 2006

To be a math whiz kid?!

An attractive young aunt visited me yesterday in the afternoon while I was still asleep. She received a scholarship from Ministry of Education (MOE) to do a math degree and involved actively in church activities. I overheard that she promised to teach me math when I turn 10. By then, she should be in her early thirties and experienced enough to show me the rope in counting and numbering. With her tutoring, I’m going to be a math whiz kid! :)

Mum’s parents, brother and sister visited us today. This time, grandpa bought a cradle swing for me. Dad, mum and grandma must be very tired after going through a few sleepless nights for cradling me. So, they are hoping that this machine could solve their sleepless woes. And, I shall give this cradle a try tonight and see if it can satisfy me. Meanwhile, grandma (maternal) removed that irritating dried mucus in my nose. Therefore, at least, I should able to breathe better tonight.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Food for dinner

Two of my grand-aunties visited me today. They were such wonderful persons to help grandma to prepare some vinegar soup for my coming full month celebration. I’m looking forward to see relatives that I might not have seen before. Anyway, I’m the latest addition to the extended family. Meanwhile, an uncle from StarHub also came to install Wireless MaxOnline and Cable TV for us. Now, I can update my blog faster than before. :)

Grandma (maternal), granddad, uncles and auntie came to visit us again. Mum was certainly thrilled to see them, and so was I! Cousin Joel also came and played with me. Meanwhile, grandma (maternal) also brought some food and prepared sumptuous dinner but I still can’t eat them yet. Though mum’s milk is still great, I do wonder how these solid food tastes like. And I can’t wait to grow up……

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Talk to my mum

Dad took a day off and spent time with me yesterday. During ‘makan’ time, he always burps me every 10-15 min interval (see picture on the right). Shortly after lunch, mum & dad brought me to see doctor again. This time, I was so glad to hear that the irksome jaundice was finally receded and I have gained another 400g since drinking mum’s milk!

Tell you something, mum seems to start getting bored staying at home, and I can't amuse her all the time. Probably, some visits and calls from grandparents and close friends might cheer her up. If you can, do visit or call mum...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The second week milestone

I have been passing motion so frequently that dad brought home a big bag of diaper liners this evening. Mum also complained that my feeding frequency and volume increased by almost 50%. I would say these are the results of total breast-feeding because babies can digest human milk better and thus feel hungrier sooner. Also, more inputs mean more outputs – such a basic logic that even babies can understand better than adults. :p

Unlike those big kids, babies’ stomachs are smaller and can’t retain our foods as long. I have already tried my best to be a good boy by waking up less often during night time. Nowadays, in fact, I only wake up once some time around 3-5a.m. Meanwhile, I want to be cuddled to sleep – it feels so secure and safe to sleep in their arms. Whenever I need the hugs, all I need to do is to shout at once. If I don’t get any respond immediately, I’ll shout louder until I start crying – this tactic always works. :x

Later in the evening, dad took measure of my body length and realized that I have grown by another 4 cm since birth. I can also feel more powers within my body – I can now turn my body 90 degree on either side without any aids! Not an easy feat for a 2 week-old baby, don’t you think so?

Pushing updates to you everyday

You may have also noticed a new orange icon (just like the one on the right) on the left side bar. It means that this blog is enabled with XML Site Feeding. :) Now, you do not have to come to this blog everyday. One of dad's colleagues recommended site feeding technology to him. You can now use any Atom feed readers on your desktop or even mobile phone devices to recieve my updates automatically everyday! There are many kind of free readers available on the Net. You may download a free lightweight feed software like the Feedreader or even use a web-based reader like the Google Reader. Once you have determined your favourite reader, import this site feed URL:

Monday, June 05, 2006

Tell me what will make this blog more attractive

What do you like about this blog?
Baby's photoshots
Writing of Baby's daily activities
Writing of Parents' daily activities

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Keeping company

Auntie Ann finally arrived late in last evening while I was asleep. When I woke up later, she played with me until I fell asleep again. As I know that she would surely read this blog, I want her to know that I have really enjoyed her companion. Meanwhile, grandma has also gone through a great deal taking care of me and mum. I can’t imagine life without her. Besides mum and dad, both grandma and auntie know me best. :)

Mum seems to be happier today, as the other grandma, grandpa and uncle visited us again. Uncle recently graduated from university and I’m sure both of my grandparents are proud of his academic achievements. However, Auntie Ann left just shortly before they came. This time, uncle also brought us his small refrigerator from his university residence hall for storing some of mum’s milk. But they also left shortly. I really wished that all of them could have stayed longer to keep company with me and mum. And I look forward to their coming soon.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Gifts of love

It was such a joyous day. Grandpa, Grandma and Auntie Joyce came to visit me today. The quick-witted cousin Joel also came and played with me. I was so exultant that I shouted, kicked and waved at them. But it was also so embarrassing that I passed motion in their presence. Thankfully, Auntie Joyce was so nice that she cleaned up everything for me. :)

The doting grandma gave me a fine gold Mickey Mouse anklet that is so sweet and endearing. Mum suggested that I should wear them when I’m a month old but I can’t wait! The loving grandpa also blessed me with a wonderful gift – but I won’t tell you what it is. :p

Auntie Ann is also coming to see me this evening but she still hasn’t arrived. I’m still waiting for her embrace…..

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Breast milk storage

As mum's milk is accumulating, dad starts wondering how long the expressed milk can stay fresh at room temperature, fridge and the freezer. Different Internet sites offer different answers, which can be confusing. The lactation section at TMC offers the most stringent advice, due to our hot and humid climate, as follows:

  1. At room temperature, the milk can stay fresh for up-to 4 hours;
  2. If kept in the fridge, the bottled milk must be consumed within 48 hours or 2 days. Due to the frequent opening of the fridge that can cause the temperature to fluctuate, the bottles must be placed in the innermost part;
  3. In the freezer, the milk can be kept up-to 2 months. Frozen milk should be defrosted in the fridge and mustn't be left at room temperature, except during feeding.

To avoid mix-up, mum always diligently label the bottles with date and time. To maintain hygiene, pour only the amount of milk that I require from the fridge for each feeding.