Baby Ian

Friday, December 22, 2006

Rains and shits

I had not been passing motion for a week and everyone started panicking. Dad and mum called home from Bangkok asking grandma to bring me to see doctor. Despite the heavy downpour (3rd heaviest recorded in 75 years according to The Straits Times), maternal grandpa, both paternal and maternal grandmas drove me to KK hospital in the middle of the night.

Surprisingly, we did not wait long and the doctor could not find anything wrong with me. She commented I have such a strong digestive system that it really sucked up all the good nutrients leaving nothing to pass out. However, she inserted 2 capsules into my buck causing great discomfort. I cried in protest and finally passed out the shits a while later.

The entire saga might be a little overdone this time but it was done out of love. I can sense it. :)


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