Baby Ian

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Public VIP treatment

You can see that I really felt like a king this morning. This sunbathing was getting so comfortable that I din want to wake up. But dad carried me away just when my chaise lounge was barely warmed up. :(

After breakfast, mum & dad brought me to see doctor to check the irksome jaundice. However, I wouldn’t be seeing the lovely Dr. Lillian today. Mum’s gynaecologist persuaded them that I don’t need specialist because I’m a healthy baby that can only eat, sleep and receive injection (should I consider that as a compliment?). So, we headed straight to Seng Kang polyclinic instead where I was given VIP privilege upon arrival. I jumped straight to the front queue and the staff nurse and doctor attended to me without waiting more than 10 min. Contrast this with the waiting time of 80 min previously at the baby specialist clinic where I was treated just like the rest of the “little fellows”. Furthermore, my blood test was concluded within a short 10-min break. Who said public healthcare is inferior to private?

Good news and a bad. The good news is doctor said that my jaundice receded slightly. Because I feed on mum’s milk, I can recover quicker in less than 2 weeks time. I’ll remember mum forever for her sacrifices every 3-hour, even in the midst of the long cold nights. But the bad news is that 2nd dreadful dose of Hep-B injection is scheduled in less than 3 weeks time. I still remember the nasty pain of the 1st dose. Can I not go, please......?

Dad replied, "There shall be even more painful & challenging obstacles ahead but you shall overcome them all and emerge stronger after every each trial."

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A week older

Don't you kid around with me. I'm already a week old, okay?

My jaundice (yellowish skin) still refuses to go away. :( I remember overhearing my parents' conversation that my jaundice level is around 10 - still within the acceptable range of 15. But that also means more sun bathing sessions. It feels so warmth to sleep under the sun every morning, even though I am naked. (Hmmm... wondering if there're any peeping toms around.) Anyway, mum and dad will be bringing me to see Dr. Lillian tomorrow - a loving lady doctor who oversees my physical growth and developments. That's a chance for me to go out again - yippee! I can't wait another day.

Another good news - Mum seems to have expressed over 90ml of milk just this morning alone! Yes, I'm not going to feed on any more formula cow milk. Not when there are still plenty of "natural reserves" in the freeze. Now, I fully understood what it meant by "my cup overflows" in the Bible (Psalm 23). Mum's milk is always tastier, healthier and more nutritious - Nature manna is the best for babies like me. :)

p.s. Any expectant mums & dads or even "long-term planners" out there? Need any info & tips on child-bearing, baby items, breast-feedings, deliveries, consultations, medical costs & etc? Just post me a comment and I'll check it out for you. :)

Monday, May 29, 2006

Annoucement: My 1st online photo album!

Get to see my first-cut online album at

Transforming everyday

Yes, my face is changing everyday. And today, this is how I look like. Click on the photo clip to have a clearer view of me.

BTW, I had many visitors yesterday. But they came when I was still asleep. No matter how hard they try, I still won't wake up until my next feeding time. I thank them for leaving behind a set of new clothes for me. :)

Anyway, I overheard them saying that my head is full of hair and look so adorable with my pair of sparkling eyes. When I grow up, I want many gals chasing me. :) So, I've got to start exercising. Watch me, 1-2-3-4, 2-2-3-4, 3-2-3-4 ......

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hello World!

Hello everyone! I am Ian Yee Yit Ern born on 23 May 2006. I was delivered by Dr. Adrian Woodworth in Thomson Medical Centre (TMC).

I am so happy to be in this world after cramping in mum's womb for 38 weeks. Daddy, mum and "Ah ma" (grandma) are all working hard to make sure that I'm well-fed and growing well. And most importantly, my invisible God who is protecting me since I was conceived in mummy's womb.

This was how I look like when I just came out from mummy's womb. And I didn't like this look, so I asked God for a prettier face.

Yawn.... Daddy was cuddling me to sleep in the hospital and I look forward to my new home and family!