Baby Ian

Monday, January 12, 2009

Visit to Paediatrician

Well, I'm getting jealous. Some attentions (hey, that's mine!) have been diverted away from me! No!!!!
But he's so adorable that I really love him too. I share my Doremon stickers with him and he gives me this nice box of color pens and book.

Dad & Mum brought Isaac for follow-up check with the Paediatrician this morning. All are well, except some mild jaundice. The doctor even taught us how to check the symptoms as well:

1) Use your finger and press gently on the baby's face. If the color is yellowish, it shows positive. If redish or white, it's normal;

2) Observe the skin color around the baby's eye bags. Check if the skin is yellowish.

The confinement lady - Liu Mie - is an experienced and nice lady. She's been a great help to us. However, I'm sad to hear that she can't stay with us for the coming Chinese New Year.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Some Video about my little Bro Issac

Isaac - My Darling Brother!

Finally, my brother is born this morning 5:41a.m at Thomson Medical Centre. I am so excited that I'm promoted to "Big Brother"! Dad & Mum named him - Isaac, which means laughter in Hebrew. He really brings laughter and joy to our family. His Chinese name is composed of 溢 Yi4 (Full or Overflow) and 哲 Zhe2 (Wisdom or Thinker), which means "Full of Wisdom" (溢哲) . His little pairs of curious eyes are looking around. Hey, he is looking at me now! Oh, he is so adorable.....