Baby Ian

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dad's sabbatical leave

Dad is on sabbatical leave for the entire month of march. He's so happy and glad to achieve some objectives that he probably couldn't do it in normal times. Here are some of his proudest "achievements":

  1. Worked with an English literacy therapist who hailed from England- Teacher Ann. She was my favourite teacher who helped me to improve my English literacy by leaps and bounds. She was encouraging and engaging. I enjoyed her many lessons tremendously that involved interesting actions like ee-or (both hands on heads), sh (finger across lips) etc. Dad learnt from her, so that he knew how to train me. If he didn't do his part, he would get an "earful" from her in following monday. Dad supervised me every evening for at least 20 min in writing, reading and phonic. Before intervention, my literacy score was only 26/100. But now, my score is 81/100, which compared well to the median score of 50/100 for my peers in England. We were so happy and excited that we asked my NuturyIn teacher Jacqueline to put me on her K2 class. But it was full. Because she shared our joys, she decided to open up a new K2 class for me. I'm so thankful.
  2. Took a step back and reflected on goals and objectives in life. Started relating to his loved ones and people around him.
  3. Settled on Will and Testament.
  4. Went to Chiang Mai, Thailand with mum and had good spa/massage and hair treatments.
  5. Played more "World of Warcraft" (a MMO game to help him to relax in virtual world).
  6. Moving on to a new technical consultancy role when he is back to work on April.
For more detailed descriptions of above activities, you can read his rather "long-winded" blog post.