Baby Ian

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Birthday Celebration @ HabourFront Mac

I'm having my dream birthday celebration @ HarbourFront Mac with all my loved ones, including my aunts & uncle (dad's paternal cousins).... For more photos, click on this.

Friday, May 21, 2010

My Birthday Celebration Party @ Bright Kids

Mum & dad bought Doraemon gift packs and a nice 2kg Barney cake for everyone. All my classmates love the cake so much that they keep coming back for more. You can see that I'm busy serving them....

I'm so blessed that I am 4 years old.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Making fun of Isaac

I made fun of baby Isaac and paint his face like a small little Indian boy. Eventually, I was found out and was almost punished for it. I cried and pleaded before the punishment was melted out...