Baby Ian

Thursday, December 03, 2009


Some beautiful scenery that I see and enjoy today

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

My first visit to Malacca!

Yippee! Today is my first time stepping out of Singapore. I'm standing on a suite on 15th floor Holiday Inn. Facing me is a spectacular sea view of Straits of Malacca. Looking down me is the big and beautiful swimming pool!

We also visited the Jonker street in the nice old city in the evening. Most of the shops were closed and we were told to come back on Friday till Sunday. We went to a chicken rice restaurant called "Formasa Chicken Rice", as it was one of the few that remained open. It was probably the worst chicken rice that we ever had - chicken meat were hard to chew , side dishes were cold, and rice was tasteless. But fortunately, the fantastic durian chendol saved the day when we moved on to another shop called "San Shu Gong".