Baby Ian

Friday, October 30, 2009

Swimming Day

Dad & mum took leave today and brought us to the pool. I started enjoying playing in the pool with all the water toys. How cooling! Baby Isaac must like it too.

As usual, we had our Mcdonald treat after every pool session. This time, I collected a Batman toy from my Happy Meal.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Robot chasing

Isaac and I were chasing a robot toy....

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Mum & dad brought me to the barber for a hair-cut. For the first time, not a single drop of tear is shed.... I've grown up!

How do you find my new hair-style?

Monday, October 19, 2009


Oh no! I dreaded of swimming - not even the thought of dipping into the pool. But mum & dad still dragged me along for a morning swim at Hougang Swimming Complex.

They kept enticing me to the pool using water toys and balls. I love to play them but I kept distancing myself from the pool. After much persuasion, I finally sat on the poolside, dipping my feets into the water. It was so cooling.

My baby brother seems to enjoy the pool despite the accidental slip into the pool water earlier. Uchu (our household helper) was quick to spot him. And thanks to her, Isaac enjoyed the fun while all of us held him up safely.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Mid Autumn Festival

Isaac and I are celebrating the lantern festival. Isaac's face looks like one, isn't it? :P

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