Baby Ian

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas from KK

Merry Christmas to all! Not from Punggol but from KK hospital. I had a bad fall on Sunday when I was playing on my parents' bed. During the fall, I bite my tongue with a deep split cut. I was bleeding profusely while Dad carried me to a clinic in a hurry. The shocked GP (who did not know what to do) then referred me to KK A&E.

To complicate matter, fever developed on the evening before. Falling on the cautious side, the doctors advised against proceeding with surgery to stitch my wound until my fever subside. The anesthesia may cause a full blown fever on me. Dad and Mum prayed for me in tears. Slowly, my wound sealed up eventually. One the next day, when the doctors examined my tongue again, they mentioned that no surgery was needed anymore for the saliva contains much self-healing properties (such as anti-bacteria).

What a blessing in disguise! Natural healing is far superior than a surgery. Had I not developed fever earlier, I would be stitched up and unable to eat and drink (probably put on drip). I know it must be God who put everything in control to protect me.

I did not enjoy my two night stay here despite mum was staying with me on the first night and grandma on the next. I don't want to come back here anymore. *sob*

And the good news is: I'm discharging now! *hooray*

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Apple or Orange

Christmas is approaching and I can't decide whether to have apple or orange. Which one should I choose?

Also, I am getting steady in my walking..... Yes, I can make it! :)