Baby Ian

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My 1st Birthday!

Today is my 1st Birthday. And I am so happy that granny, aunt, dad & mum are here to celebrate with me. It's such a joyous occasion.

Before that, I have also received several birthday gifts from maternal grandparents, uncle and aunt. These are so lovely and I like them all - including train, caterpillar, jungle roller, walker, and 'ang pao' for my future education investment. :)

I'm so blessed to be part of this big extended family where I'm treasured and loved by everyone.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Japanese Feasts

It's the last weekend before I turn one year-old in few days time. We feasted on sumptuous Japanese food with both grandparents and families to celebrate. Yummy!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Happy days are back

Happy days are back because Aunt is back and play with me for the rest of the week!