Baby Ian

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Moving Forward

Watch how I'm moving forward. Click the "Play" button and observe my funny facial expression that will make you laugh. To fully appreciate it, you have to be patient. Click the "Play" button and let the download completes before watching it.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

New tricycle

Granny bought me a new lovely green tricycle. She took me for a ride but I was so scare that I cried! She confidently told me that I would love it when I get used to it - let's wait and see.....

Sunday, April 15, 2007

New Walker!

We went to Vivo City last evening and there was throng of crowds everywhere. I went to my favorite shop - Toy R' US - and Dad bought me a new electronic walker. Notice something new at the right side? I'm going to play it everyday!