Baby Ian

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Who says I'm grumpy?

Dad always said that I look grumpy in my blog. So, I'm giving a refreshing look today. :)

Roll over!

To scale greater height, pastor once said that we must have the courage to cross over to uncharted territories. So, I'm rolling over now. Watch me!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The overhyped mega event

This is the IMF week and I've got to watch it on television every day. Big deals - eleborate settings, security, people are avoiding Suntec mall, tourists are also avoiding Singapore (overcharged hotel room rates). I think the event is overhyped than it should be.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I wanna to play! Anyone home?

As I grow stronger and feel more powers, I can now stick out my neck - not for chopping - and look at things around me. I love to play and smile at people who do play with me. I gave one of the heartiest smiles when the malay uncle next door lifted me high up and told me stories. Yes, he is also expecting his first son and I'm going to have a new friend soon. :)