Baby Ian

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My first 5-in-1

Grandma, dad and mum brought me to the polyclinic for my first 5-in-1 injection. I saw many little fellows before me cried loudly even before the needles touched them! I also did cry but not because of the injection pain; I was just complaining about my sitting position. I am a strong baby boy. Watch my punch!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My little red sea horse

I've got a new toy - the little Red Sea Horse. I enjoy playing with him and even indulge further in the warm hugs of grandmas, aunts, mum & dad! ;) But alas, mum is going to start work tomorrow; and I'm going to miss her.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I love Singapore!

This is the first time that I am celebrating my country's 41st birthday. I love God, dad, mum, grandpa, grandma, aunties, uncles.... and Singapore!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Dedication Service

Dad & mum brought me to church for the child dedication service. The service was overwhelmed with little folks like me. It was such a big crowd that I was abit scare initially. When I was brought to the nursery room, I was attended meticulously by a nice young lady and a doting middle-aged lady. I overheard her praying to the Lord for a cute little grandchild like me. ;) Dad always said that you will reap what you sow. I'm sure that her wish will come true.

Regarding my voice recording in one of my previous posts, the hyperlink to my 'song album' is wrong. Yahoo! briefcase does not allow public file sharing. :( Anyway, here is the correct link: Click here to hear my voice

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Learning to talk

I start to imitate the adults' speeches by making some noise. Languages are so difficult to learn. I have been hearing at least 3 different languages - English, Mandarin and Cantonese - that can only add to my confusion. Mum comments that I'm a 'kaypoh' when I am just trying to learn. Isn't learning supposed to be a virtue?