Baby Ian

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Colic Medicine

One night, I cried loudly and continually. However hard they might try, mum and grandma could not pacify me. My poor worried mum wanted to bring me to see a padetrician. Dad, on the other hand, said that I was perfectly fine after making some observations and Internet research. Eventually, mum's decision prevailed and we all went to see the doctor.

Dad was right, the lady doctor could not find anything wrong with me. I didn't cry louder at night. It's just that even a soft tinkle sounds louder than it should in the middle of long silent night. Mum was relieved and we went home with a bottle of simple colic medicine.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Like father like son?

Many people told me that I look like my dad. So, mum took a photo for both of us. Do you think that we look alike?

Yes, both of you must be from the same mould
Yes, but only certain features
No, not at all. You have your own distinctive features.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Learning experience

Time flies! I'll be 8 weeks old this coming Sunday. Grandma suggested that I should try her home-made brown rice as I am approaching two months old. Well, I have never tasted anything else besides mummy's milk and gripe water.

Each day is a new learning experience for me. Granny and mum always nag at me for playing and biting the bottle teats during feeding time. As a result, three of the teats have to be replaced. Well, I am not being naughty...I am just exploring the use of my gum and tongue ;)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Late night walking

Grandma went home with aunt Ann last evening and dad had to look after me during the night. I did not manage to get to sleep and dad went extra miles to walk me around the park downstairs. However, both grandmas showed disapproval of this practice citing safety reasons. I really wanted to have a walk outside. In fact, I fell asleep shortly after the walk. But I think dad probably won’t walk me again in the middle of the night.

Recently, dad was posted to another department and his workloads doubled due to his ‘Super-On’ boss. That’s why this blog is not updated as frequent as it used to be. I’ve been trying to persuade mum to help me, at least, until I’m big enough to handle the keyboard.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Home-coming Day

It was a rainy day. Mum & dad put on new set of clothes for me and I knew that it was the next home-coming day for mum. Hooray! We were going to visit grandma (maternal). In fact, I've got this nice new hair-cut from grandma last week. Grandpa was kind enough to ask uncle to fetch us (with Aunt Joyce’s family) there. I was excited about this anticipating trip and we are going to have sumptuous dinner.

Meanwhile, grandmum (paternal) went home last evening and I can’t wait for her return tonite.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

More visitors today

Quite a few mum's friends came to visit me today. And they seemed to enjoy themselves and took this opportunity for catching up and sharing in their hectic work-life. Among them, there was a couple who brought 3 beautiful kids to play with me but they were drawn to dad's computer game later - what a spoiler. It's all dad's fault.